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PWA world cup athletes talk about LIBERTY products.



"Cross Over Carbon" Harness brings new concept by totaly different concept. This new concept is solution for legacy waist and seat harness defect as third option. Keep lower half of body free but pull in sail by lower half of body effectively and protect back at the same time. LIBERTY Cross Over Carbon harness realizes this two contradict requirements standing together. Hook position is placed middle between waist and seat harness. Tension to hook is distribued to back and hip and carbon flexibility helps to catch sail power by whole body. Minimize burden for back. This harness could be used for small to large sail size in various conditions. Tension to hip is able to adjust by enhanced harness-bar belt. Hook won't be rided up during sailing without thighs belt is highlighted feature.

Suitable size of XO CARBON CONTROL
195cm over
100kg over

RIDER's impression

Steve Allen [AUS-0]

Great back support, very easy to get in and out of and freedom for your legs. Being like a waist harness but staying lower like a seat harness. Very nice concept.

Arnon Dagan [ISR-1]

I feel faster with the harness. It helps me to keep pressure on the fin which creates constant power at all times. I can fit it higher or lower depending on the wind strength higher when windy and lower when light At first I needed to change harness lines but later I got used to it and can use same length. Maybe a little but now I start to get used. Rest is perfect.

Marion Motefon [FRA-118]

I used this harness since two months and i really like it. It combines the liberty for the leg of a belt harness with the Seat harness comfort for the Back. It's even better than a Seat harness for a Back pain. You can not move with it and you are really efficient during the slalom leg. I really recommend this harness for people who have Back pain during slalom and people who want to have more Liberty with their legs. It's the best innovation for slalom Addict!

Enrico Marotti [CRO-401]

Liberty harness is harness that delivers great control with a lot of rail on your board! Its combination of wave harness and seat harness and it has all the benefits from this two harness. From wave harness you get a lot of control and from seat harness you get a lot of rail on your board when you sail! It keeps the hook low while your legs are totally free to move. It is a harness that gives performance while still is super comfortable! I love it!!

Delphine Cousin Questel [FRA-775]

The liberty harness offers a very good comfort as it take all your back but keep your legs free to have a maximum of control of your equipment. It's really light as he is it's build with carbon. My best partner for my slalom session without having back pain after long training in the water

Wojtek Brzozowski [POL-10]

Liberty harness is the most comfortable harness I have ever used. It is so comfortable that literally I forget that I use it. It provides stability and exeptionaly high level of controll. It preformes in light marginal conditions as well as super high wind, overpowered days. I jumped off my trusted old harness to this Liberty machine and I am glad. I can recomend this well designed and high quality harness to all surfers that want to enjoy premium products. Almost forgot.... the most important of all: My girlfriend loves the way I look in it.

ACTOR, Kenjiro Ishimaru (oD Ίہ@Y)

"Unbelievable", this is my first impression for this version of cross over harness.

Speaking of impression of first cross over harness, I felt same things. In fact, "What's happening????" is always happened to me. Cross over makes me suprise constantly.
I am intending to back to up-wind race and spending some efforts on this. I've found up-wind situation requires relatively downward tension compare to slalom situation. Pull in surprised big sail for up-wind should be done by downward tension especialy in over wind condition. Someone may say that should be solved by seat harness but I don't think seat harness could be a solution. Down wind sailing on over wind situation cannot be rided accross without freedom of legs. Otherwise, I will fly all over the place, fall over to front side from hip covered by harness. Cross over harness solves the issue in an artful way.
Forming around hip has been enhanced by more encclosable form. Able to realize steady downward tension but legs are still keep freedom. Actually, this harness push me to up-wind race for the first time in four years. Of course, this up-wind performance works well on slalom situation. I can say good-bye from backache.

I would like to say one more things. Waist harness makes abdomen too tight, isn't it? Especially after lunch. In other words, people in middle-aged who has pear-shaped doesn't like squeeze tighter. To be honest, this is also my case and makes distress myself. Since this harness fasten at hip bone but not at paunch, I am no longer feel tighter. Sturdy tight tension but no stress in abdomen, I really think this is great.

Ayako Suzuki [JPN-61]

Liberty supports top Japanes sailor with advanced XO harness

My first experience to XO was at the moment I had a crick in the back. Head of Liberty came to me and ask me to try XO after he heard about my back pain. I was little skeptical for back pain go into a decline by using inexperience harness but I found that was needless concern once I sailed with XO. I was realized value of XO from first ride. I have been attaching my mind to harness because it is one of most important equipment as only gear which is weared during sailing. Way of tensional fource to body from harness during sailing is totaly different between waist and pants harness. XO cannot be explained by those category but it brings new type of comfortable feeling. XO could have both waist and hip harness aspect. Pressure come to back?waist? or hip? It could be dispersed to all three. It is true that XO helps sailor who has back pain but it shall be useful and effective for all sailors by pressure distribution system. Sailor is able to keep sail position treated by back to hip wide area but not pinpoint manner. This is totally awesome harness! You must be realized XO efficiency even more on hard condition. I belive you would feel this once you try.

Director of Tsukuihama orthopedic clinic
Dr. Takashi Ohata [JPN-218]

Back Pain Resulting from Windsurfing

Windsurfing is a sport that is often known to cause back pains. Setting up and tensioning the sail along with carrying heavy windsurfing rigs places pressure on the back. Light wind conditions can also put pressure on the back. Back pain is one of the most frequent issues that active windsurfers face.

I have studied the pressure from the harness to lumbar spine while sailing in high speed. The x-ray photo captures the condition of the spine as the harness is worn. Excessive lumbar lordosis can be observed, which may result in back pain.
The XO harness could ease this situation through a pressure distribution system. It supports the windsurferfs back in a wider area, as shown in the photograph. The XO pressure distribution system would be the solution to reduce the risk of back pain among windsurfers.